Mark Linsdell
Do You Need a License for an Electric Motorcycle? (And Other FAQS)
In 2023, you can find an electric motorcycle for every kind of rider. From low-powered electric scooters to electric superbikes, there’s something for everyone. However, this amount of choice can cause confusion when it comes to buying your first electric motorcycle, especially knowing what kind…
The Complete Guide to Electric Motorcycle Incentives and Grants [USA Edition]
There are many benefits to owning an electric motorcycle. Peak performance, saving the planet, and of course, looking really fly. Although, what about the cost? There’s a perception that electric vehicles are expensive to own and, as a result, there’s a reluctance from some riders…
The 8 Must-Have Gadgets for Motorcycle Riders
Gadgets for motorcycle riders? Some riders aren’t convinced. In all old motorcycle movies, you never see anyone with a motorcycle gadget, gizmo, or accessory. That being said, if the technology was available to those outlaws, who’s to say we wouldn’t have seen Brando and his…
7 YouTube Motorcycle Channels to Subscribe to in 2023
Motorcycle videos on YouTube are commonplace. Since the video platform’s inception in 2005, videos of races, ‘fails’, or accidents have been difficult to miss. Since then, there has been a growth in high-quality motorcycle content on YouTube – made by riders, for riders. In fact,…
How to Wash a Motorcycle: The Dos and Absolutely Don’ts of Cleaning a Motorcycle
Whether you ride an electric motorcycle or a gas motorcycle, one thing remains the same: your bike is going to get dirty. Furthermore, while you’ve likely got an idea of how to wash a motorcycle, we all need a reminder from time to time on…
7 Female Motorcycle Influencers You Should Follow on Instagram
There’s no denying what an asset social media has been to the riding community. Gone are the days of subscribing to a bi-monthly magazine to keep up to speed with the latest motorcycle news and trends. However, social media doesn’t only allow you to keep…
Electric Motorcycle vs. Gas Motorcycle: The 9 Advantages of Going Electric
Electric motorcycle vs. gas motorcycle is a debate that few could have foreseen ten years ago. Back then, despite electric motorcycles being more beneficial to the environment than their gasoline counterparts, there were no other obvious benefits to speak of. However, fast forward to today,…
9 Tips for Choosing the Best Electric Motorcycle for You
The electric motorcycle you choose depends on personal preference and riding behaviour. The good news is that there is an electric motorbike out there for every rider. The first generation of electric bikes meant well. They broke the mold, pushed the envelope, and paved the…
The Future of Motorcycle Technology
With motorcycle technology coming on leaps and bounds in the past five years, it could be argued that the motorcycle of the future is already here. As the world moves off fossil fuels and big bike brands come out with their own electric motorcycle, it’s…
5 Steps to Prepare Your Electric Motorcycle for Winter Storage
In the immortal words of Ned Stark (RIP), “Winter is coming.” For the unlucky ones, this means riding season is over until the spring. The experienced riders among you may already know how to prepare a motorcycle for winter storage. Or at least, how to…
Recent Posts
- How Damon’s HyperDrive is Changing Everything we know about Motorcycle Design
- 9 Things To Avoid When Buying Your First Motorcycle
- Do You Need a License for an Electric Motorcycle? (And Other FAQS)
- The Complete Guide to Electric Motorcycle Incentives and Grants [USA Edition]
- The 8 Must-Have Gadgets for Motorcycle Riders